About Me

If you are here, then you must be wondering who I am.
I’m an East Malaysian who got conned into becoming a lawyer because everyone claimed that it was prestigious (yay!), flexible (yeah right) and all about writing (drafting pleadings is a whole different ball game). Even so, that hasn’t damped my love of travel and spontaneous adventures, the more thrilling the better. I just wish the adulting didn’t get so much in the way.
As you can probably tell, I am no digital nomad.
I have a stable corporate job with limited annual leave, a fixed place of residence and a relatively predictable schedule. What I do count as a big bonus however, is that I work in Malaysia – the land of almost nonstop holidays. We have public holidays for both national and independence day, as well as unplanned national holidays when our football team won the ASEAN Suzuki Cup and when the new government was elected.
What that means of course, is more travel!
My Experiences
Over the years, I have planned many trips: solo travel, family trips, getaways with friends and even corporate retreats. Such experiences have led me to realise that I enjoy:
- Edit
- researching a place to the absolute hilt (my search only ends on page 10 of Google Search before I begin anew with a fresh set of keywords); and
- the stories behind each place and event I find myself at.
What You Will Get From This Blog
I hope that you find these blog entries and articles to be, to adopt some corporate speak, of “value add”. That it will bring you into the experience with me while leaving you with all the practical tips you could ever want (and didn’t know you needed) to experience it for yourself.
I will be bringing forth the stories that I unravel through interviews with the people on the ground – how restaurants came into being and the philosophy that drives them; the history behind wall murals and why Kuala Lumpur has a forest reserve called the “Pineapple Hill”. Guides, insights & embarrassing wish-I’d-known-this moments – all will be revealed here.
Most importantly, I aim to present them in a way that requires you to just click “print” in order to replicate the same adventures I myself had gone through. I see no point in writing a 5,000 word essay only for you to have to scroll through and rewrite everything into a concise, travel-friendly form for yourself (it’s a painful process I’m too familiar with!).
YOUR Call To Action
Share, like, leave your comments on what resounded or didn’t sit well with you and what you would like to hear me write on further. Life’s an adventure made all the better by sharing.
If you would like to collaborate, I can be reached at vidadeliya (at) gmail (dot) com.
Until next time!